

/* A case about Fitness Club Online Portal: Enabling Members and Coaches to Schedule and Enroll in Training Sessions. */

project Details

For a client – an owner of a gym and a fitness club,  we have developed an online portal, i.e., the solution that allows the Users-members to register on it, so they can browse/ search/ preview/ select training sessions and enroll in some sessions. Also, Users-Coaches (trainers) (who may also be external individuals) can register a Session by activating the “Hold a Session” function and defining the different Session data (category, description, session schedule, training breakdown, videos, tags, location, etc.).

The goal was to make a Fitness / Gym website platform with different modules, such as the User – Member module, Coach’s module, Gym owner module, Homepage module, Admin management module (different Admin roles), and General info module. 

Particular functional requirements asked by the client (gym owner) were as follows:

  • The user (club member) can browse sessions and express interest in sessions but should be registered with the Fitness portal to book a session. Registration is done by entering and submitting his personal info – username, password, and other personal info. After the registration – the user can log into the platform (website), or he can use Google/ Facebook login.
  • Users/members can search Sessions from their web browser (Fitness portal homepage) by entering a keyword (e.g., “fitness” or “triathlon”).
  • Users/members can browse Sessions (from the Homepage) by different criteria: Category of Session (All-inclusive fitness, Sports training, Health/relaxation facilities, triathlon boot-camps training, etc.); starting Date range for the Session (availability), and the location (town) where the Session will be held.
  • The member can view Coach’s profile (for a selected Session) and contact them by e-mail or website messaging.
  • The user can select a session (based on the availability date) and put them in the shopping cart. With the button Checkout/ Pay – the website allows him to pay for the Session via the payment processor. Also – the server logic automatically creates the Receipt (tax) and forwards it to the user’s account.
  • The Coach should register on the website by entering his info – name, location, general agenda, photo/ video, training breakdown, contact data, payment info, Web links (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn), etc.
  • The Coach can start a Session and enter the complete info for their Session: Session name, category (fitness, fitness, etc.), upload photos, enter session description (up to 400 words), enter schedule (dates/ times), etc.
  • Metrics Dashboard – coaches obtain notification from the Fitness portal about no. of enrolled members. The Coaches can log in to the Dashboard and instantly see how their profiles and listings are doing. In addition to the online view of this metrics dashboard, the coaches receive a weekly e-mail with metrics pulled from their dashboards.

The software environment used for development was .NET/ SQL Server platform and the developed system layout and functionality are browser compatible. The project is managed (hosted) by a Cloud-based server (e.g., Microsoft Azure).


The Fitness / Gym portal enables the users (club members) to enroll in training (Sessions) and the Coaches to register as training providers. The main challenges we encountered during the development of this project included the following:

  • The portal and gym owner can define the main conditions: gym availability (dates, time), payment conditions, promotion/ discount possibilities, etc.
  • Different types of training to be held: Sports training, Luxury training, All-inclusive fitness, Health/relaxation boot camps, Triathlon boot camps training, etc.
  • Sessions can be taught by multiple affiliated coaches. The coach can be an external individual but a business subject as well. The coach doesn’t need a certificate; s/he just needs skills and passion in a discipline to share with the attendees.
  • The portal also allows businesses to register as a coach. Coaches interested in providing training or looking into using our setup on location can register interest to become a coach for a particular group.
  • Holding a Series of Sessions: Coaches can list a Session series. These are sessions that run for more than one date. Members who sign up for a Session series commit to all the sessions in the series.
  • Cancel a Session – Coaches have the option to cancel sessions due to fewer members than the minimum, sickness, or emergency at least 24 hours before the start of the Session. A notification e-mail will be sent out to members via Coach Dashboard.
  • If the Session fails to meet the minimum capacity indicated in the Session listing, the Fitness portal should notify coaches 48 hours in advance of the Session date – to give the coach an option to either train with fewer members or cancel the Session. Coaches have an option to still train a Session with fewer members than the minimum.

Project results

In this project, we have implemented some useful features that fulfill the gym owner’s business requirements and improve coaches’ and members’ enrollment and overall experience.

  • Multiple Locations are allowed for training: Gym, camp, training space, open space, pool, backyard, etc.

  • Multiple Sports types and Levels are able: e.g., football, basketball, karate, judo; Level: beginner, medium, advanced.

  • The Coaches are able to offer promotions, discounts, rewards (coupons) for regular club members, etc.

  • The solution provides smooth communication between the coaches and the club members (chat, messaging, voice) and quick responses to members’ questions.

  • Data Analytics for the Coaches – In order to get the full benefits of the Fitness portal, we had to provide useful metrics and analyses for the coaches (weekly/ monthly). Therefore, we track the information that matters the most, including the number of visits and views, the number of sales leads from e-mail messages, phone calls, and site visits, and competitive information on other coaches and Sessions in their categories and geographical areas.

  • The solution also produces different reports and metrics for the Gym owner (on a  weekly and monthly basis), so the club owner can get accurate insights and improve his services.

  • The system generates a ticket (PDF file) that members can use to show proof of registration for the Session.

  • Handling of payments: the backend logic charges the members and pays the Coaches and the Gym owner. A payment processor is incorporated, and receipts are generated as .pdf files.

k8s, .NET, DevOps
1 year


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